Hey there! We have wanted to start a blog for quite some time, but could never find the words to say, that was until we met Josh & Cassidy. I feel like they should have a Nicholas Sparks book written about them, so I'll try my best!

I met Cassidy through a mutual friend at work, she was so sweet and caring, super bubbly and always so happy. I had known her for a very short time before I heard she had been diagnosed with cancer and was going through chemo. I didn't know much about Cassidy, I knew she was going to college, that she had a boyfriend named Josh, and a dog, Myah. Shortly after hearing Cassidy was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma, she reached out to me, a new photographer, and asked that I come to her house and take pictures of her getting her head shaved. Of course I told her I would be honored.

On April 29, 2018, unsure of what to expect, I show up to Cassidy's house to take pictures. I was surprised to find the back yard was full of friends and family to show their support to Cassidy during this difficult time. There was music, corn hole, lots of food, and an abundant amount of love. To be honest, I had no idea how this day would go. I was a newish photographer, I had started photographing some weddings, but nothing compared to what I was photographing that day. And I truly believe taking these pictures, is what changed my perspective of photography.

When the time came, everyone gathered around Cassidy. Josh was standing next to her, holding her hand, and her family was all around her while her dad shaved her head, and it was the most emotional photoshoot I had ever done. It was so hard to take pictures at such a vulnerable time for someone, but that is what she had asked for, so that is what I did. I barely knew Cassidy, and I was trying to hold back the tears behind the camera. Everyone there was so supportive, and watching Josh hold her hand just broke me into two.

What happened next was a true testament of love. One after another, Cassidy's dad, Josh, her brother, and her cousin, stepped up for Cassidy to cut their hair as well.

Leaving that day, I had a new outlook on photography and what it really meant to me, and two new friends, Josh & Cassidy. Little would I know, I would be riding along this journey with them through some of the saddest and happiest moments of their lives! I left so inspired, so grateful for the life we are given, and thankful to have met these two wonderful people.

In June, I got a message from Josh, saying that Cassidy had an upcoming appointment to find out if Cassidy was cancer free, and he wanted to set up a photo shoot, with a special surprise. Of course I was over the moon excited! July 31, Cassidy had a PET scan that showed she was cancer free, and I messaged Cassidy telling her I wanted to set up a photo shoot to celebrate her being cancer free and document this time. She said she had to ask Josh, you know he was pretty hard to convince for a secret photo shoot he wanted haha. We had about a month to have this session completely planned out. We talked back and forth with Josh about where and how to propose to Cassidy. The day finally came, we got to the location (The Sumit Country Club), Jamie and I arrived early, so giddy with excitement we had to take a minute to calm down so we didn't give away the surprise. I can remember the feeling like it was yesterday. I have never been so excited!

Little did we know, Mother Nature had another plan for this photoshoot. It started raining.

Josh and Cassidy pulled up, and Cassidy, being the person she is, said she was fine with the rain because "I don't have any hair to mess up!". So we proceeded with the plan! Jamie pulled Josh aside secretly (he said he went to get Cassidy a jacket) and recorded Josh telling the camera what he was about to do. We continued the session with umbrellas, Cassidy had no clue! When I said in the beginning they deserve a book written about them, I wasn't kidding. I mean c'mon, an engagement in the rain?!

Shortly into the session, we set Cassidy up for a pose and Josh got down on one knee, waiting for her to turn around and see him. (At this point I could barely stand it, I am a sucker for love stories). I then told Cassidy to turn around and look at Josh for the next pose, and well, there he was on one knee. Of course she said YES YES YES!

Their engagement was even featured in the Owensboro Times!

Shortly after their engagement, Josh & Cassidy set a wedding date and asked if we would be their wedding photographers! We started brainstorming engagement shoot ideas. It had to be unordinary to describe these two. Something we had never done. Something unique. And Cassidy had the perfect idea. Pictures in a lake. Of course we were totally on board, and happen to know a little place by our family land at Rough River... and well, just take a look for yourself at this golden hour magic.

This session was pure MAGIC. And so perfect for these two.

Flash forward to a few months before we celebrate their big day, and their date was moved due to COVID-19. Nothing will stop these two from saying "I do"! Not even a pandemic. Stay tuned for their next chapter, on August 1, 2020!